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Marci Roberts

Welcome to Mrs. Roberts’ Class!!!

I am so excited to be back at school with you!  We are going to have an AWESOME year in 1st grade!! Don’t forget to bring your mask to school and the supplies for each day.


Monday, August 24th: Label and bring your Pencil box, 3 pencils, 1 box of crayons, scissors, 2 glue sticks, 2 Expo Markers, and 1 large eraser.  

Tuesday, August 25th: Label and bring colored pencils, clip board, sharpies, and stylus.  

Wednesday, August 26th: Label and bring your Wet Ones, Kleenex, and PE shoes.  

Thursday, August 27th: Label and bring all extra supplies.

I will be sending out the weekly newsletter on the front of their communication folder on Mondays. The communication folder will be sent home everyday and then returned to school the next day! I will also be sending the newsletter out on SeeSaw. I will be sending home their SeeSaw code when school starts.  If you need anything or have any concerns… you can reach me by email at or call the school at (316)747-3350.

First Day Arrival

First Graders will meet just west of the Main Entrance.  Look for our 1st grade signs and your teacher!  From there.. we will practice walking through the office to get our temperature checked and on to breakfast or our classroom.  Due to COVID-19, parents will not be allowed into the main part of our building unless they have permission from Mrs. McCune.  

First Day of Dismissal

We will dismiss much like we did last year.  First Grade will dismiss walkers/car riders out front by the flag pole.  Bus riders will be walked out to the busses.  Please let us know how your child will be going home on the First Day… if it is different from what they will be doing the rest of the year.  Remember… we will send your child home the way you tell us, so if something changes, please let us know!